Friday, May 1, 2009

Iris rules, end of story

yeah, that's not the end of the story, y'all know me better than that. This Iris thing is too good not to delve right into, for like ever and ever. She's amazing, this little one, and we are all over-the-moon in love with her.

Here she is only minutes after landing in Sky Harbor International Airport. Freaked out, for sure, but we bonded instantly and she was peacefully sleeping on my lap within hours of meeting me.

Our first stop was my work. Had to say hello to the troops. It was the least I could do, seeing that they (especially Traci) was with me every step of the way in the puppy-selection process.

We didn't even go inside, that will happen soon enough. We hung out outside, she pooped, peed, pooped again and took a drink. I even managed to refrain from taking a pooping picture, that's how much I love you people. Cuz, if I had taken that picture, you can be damn sure I would have posted it. You can thank me later.

Here we are, still at the office, chilling in the niche of the windows. Check out the hose, which I wanted to photoshop out of picture, but decided against it as it does give some frame of reference on her size.

Here's our happy girl. Gotta love the smile of a Frenchie!

Tuckered out after a day of travel. Uncle Mike has 'the touch' and she instantly fell asleep in her lap. I can't wait for Iris to meet his dog, Harley.

It's kinda late now and everyone has left. The kids are asleep, and it's only the three of us now. Me, Peter and Iris. I think she's done with the jet lag thing and is running around the house, exploring the plethora of things she can either chew up, pee on, or if she's really feeling bold, BOTH. We are following her around with "appropriate" chew toys, which, amazingly enough, she's taking. I know this because I can hear the clicking of the bone against the tile floor as I type.

I have to give a quick shout out to her breeder, the 3 sisters at Green Acre Pets. Persis, my breeder, was a joy to work with. It's already clear that Iris has been well loved, well trained, and well bred. I am so thankful for their dedication to this breed, and this little doll face. If you should find yourself wanted a pure bred dog, look them up. They pretty much rock!

With that, I'm outtie, I'm going to lay on the floor and watch our little Iris play with her bone under the big chairs in the family room. I'd do a play by play but that would be exciting only to me, and I find it hard to type while laying on my stomach.



Anonymous said...

Omigosh- she is sooooo cute!!

Kerry said...

CUTE!! Yeah, now you know why there was a daily Piper update and random photos when she was a puppy. THere's just nothing cuter! Have fun!

m = michelle said...

thanks you guys!

I'm right there Kerry. i took a picture of her dog bowl and I've spent the last 20 minutes argueing with myself about posting it. LOL