Wednesday, November 26, 2008

getting in the spirit

Since it's officially the holidays and all,
and it's actually raining and FINALLY not feeling all summertimeish outside,
and I'm feeling like I wanna sell a book, or maybe two even,
and I messed with a new ad just for y'all,
I'm having a big ole sale on my one little product.

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Happy Thanksgiving,

and happy Black Friday,

and happy food hangover,

and happy finally not hot outside,

and happy 4-day weekend,

and happy cute kids saying cute things,

and happy clean house with new curtains,

and happy friends coming over (and cooking most of the dinner)

and happy my mom starting "visiting" me again,

and happy free lifted class coming up,

and happy not being sicky today,

and happy not enough days until Christmas,

and happy just to be happy,




Kerry said...

Happy thanksgiving to you too Michelle. Enjoy having everybody home, and the looooong weekend.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!